Bi-asphärisches Optikdesign
Softec HD / Softec HDY
Softec HD Click Hydrophil Preloaded
Gary O. Wörtz, MD: Pearls for Implanting the Softec HD IOL
Gary O. Wörtz, MD, describes his experience working with the Softec HD IOL (Lenstec). He touches on postoperative outcomes and shares techniques for implanting the lens.
Cynthia Matossian, MD: Meeting Patients' High Expectations
Cynthia Matossian, MD, shares her overall experience with the Softec HD IOL (Lenstec). She explains how this lens helps her achieve refractive goals of patients with high expectations following cataract surgery.
Thomas Harvey, MD: Postoperative Advantage of the Softec HD IOL
Thomas Harvey, MD, describes the key postoperative advantages of the Softec HD line of IOLs (Lenstec). He also shares intraoperative pearls for these lenses.
Neel R. Desai, MD: The Custom Vision Upgrade With the Softec HD IOL
Neel R. Desai, MD, explains how the Softec HD IOL (Lenstec) benefits his practice. He describes the outcome-based conversations he has with patients about this lens and shares specific pearls for implanting this lens.